Certifications Offered

We at the AMS believe that each martial arts student has worked very hard over the years to obtain the ranks they have earned. The dojo is your classroom. If you have put in the time and have made a difference in yourselves and to the community, there is no reason why you can't be recognized.

All certifications offered from the AMS are backed solely by the VKA, SKKA, and the Jaguar Kung Fu Academy, all of which are International entities. We are not certified by any state or educational institution as we are not a university. We focus solely on the martial which is our area of expertise and offer certification related to just the martial arts only. Be recognized today! Be proud for your achievement and dedicated hard work.

Accreditation ~ The martial arts community is truly unique among various educational entities and professions, in that accreditation by the academic world is neither available nor necessary. No academic administrative authority have the knowledge or authority to regulate education in the martial arts.

Whereas it is agreed that: ~ Each martial arts Grandmasters and his or her rank has been certified by the AMS Membership Board. Only the founder; the lineage holder or certified individuals of a martial arts system or style is able to accredit, certify, or license students to teach and issue rank in that system or style. The AMS accepts every legitimate rank which has already been accredited and is therefore worthy of appropriate professional recognition.

The AMS has stringent requirements in order to receive this certification from our Founders and no certification will be issued until all credentials are approved.  This makes the certificate you earned a genuine honor and not a meaningless piece of paper on your wall.


Professor Certification

Earn the title of Professor in Martial Science. When you meet our requirements listed below, you can become
"Professor John Smith 5th Dan Black Belt (Your martial arts style)"

Have you worked hard for years without the recognition you deserve? Now you can have this certificate which is an honor and a major achievement to obtain The AMS does has requirements in order to obtain this esteemed certificate. This makes the certificate you earned that much more important and truly an honor to have. Professors are qualified experts, of the various levels as outlined below in our requirements set forth by the AMS. Many Martial arts disciplines use the term "Professor" in their systems with is equal to Master Level or above.

Requirements: Must have a 5th dan black or above, be at least 30 years of age (some styles promote black belts at an early age). If you meet these guidelines then you qualify under our provision. (Certificate is 8.5" x 11" on high quality paper) Cost $60



Tactical Combative Master Certification

You may have already earned the title of “Tactical Combative Master.” If you meet our requirements as listed below, you will be awarded the prestigious title of
      "Certified Tactical Combative Master (Your Combat Martial Art Style)"

Not all martial arts styles are of a combat nature and are not conducive to street combat or self-defense. As a “Modern Day Warrior” you are set apart as a special breed of martial artist prepared to meet the violence head on in the streets or actual combat anywhere in the world. Be one of the few who can proudly say they have been thoroughly examined and have legitimately earned this prestigious title because of their hard work in a combat style martial art. The AMS has stringent requirements in order to receive this certification from our Founders and no certification will be issued until all credentials are approved.  This makes the certificate you earned a genuine honor and not a meaningless piece of paper on your wall.

Requirements:Having a 5th Dan Black Belt or above, must be at least 30 years of age, prove that your style of martial arts is of a tactical combative nature. If you meet these guidelines then you qualify under our provision. (Certificate is 8.5" x 11" on high quality paper.)           Cost $30

We accept Paypal, Money Order, or Check (please allow 2 weeks to for check to clear). If paying by check, please email us first.

Disclaimer: All Certificates are recognized by the AMS martial arts association only. We can not guarantee any other martial arts institutes or association will recognize it. We are not a college or educational institution. This is not a academic degree of any kind and is NOT a license neither. Martial Science is simply practicing martial arts. There are no classes. Based on your merit with number of years you have in the martial arts with a black belt certificate. We do not have the ability to due any background check other than any martial arts certificates we may require from you as proof. We will recognize any style. Must be at least 18 years of age or older to possess any of these certificate and or meet guidelines above. We are not responsible or liable for any misrepresentation  associated with any of our certificates at any time. Buyer assumes all risk. Not to be misused as or substitute for any type of accreditation. Not to be used on any resume. Solely for private purposes only.
Martial Arts organization promoting the martial arts i.e. karate, kenpo, kung fu, jujitsu, tae kwon do, wrestling, boxing and much more.